Monday, November 23, 2009

Week 20 tape

The tapers were here before I left for work this morning. Today they did corners, inside corners and outside corners. They also did a second coat of mud on the seams. We will be able to use the space on Thanksgiving. The builder is going to take out a section of the wall between the current house and the addition, and clean up the addition area (wish he would clean up the rest of house too!) so we can put up tables and chairs for the holiday. Sounds like the tapers will be back again on Friday and maybe Saturday too. I hope we can get into the space soon enough to decorate for Christmas!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Week 19 tape

A large heater was brought in early this week to warm the rooms to do the tape and texture. I guess they need it to be a certain temp to apply the mud. Thursday and Friday they taped the seams and started the corners. It's really starting to look like a house! Sure hope we can at least set up a table in there for Thanksgiving dinner!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Week 19 locks

This is the most noticeable work they did today...installed deadbolts on all the doors.

This is looking toward the kitchen from the living room. The raised level is the backside of the sink cabinets, and will be a breakfast bar at the counter and a railing around on the living room side.Dave is still having problems with spots on the pics. The living room looks bigger with the sheetrock up!
This is the original house wall from the new kitchen. We can't wait for it to be removed! That tall window will probably come out next week so we can set up tables in the new area for Thanksgiving dinner. Otherwise we'll all have to sit on each others laps!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Week 19 sheetrock

They were at it again this morning before 9am and worked until about 7pm. They did everything except where the original house wall gets removed and a couple places that need carpenter attention before they can finish.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Week 18 sheetrock

The sheetrockers are animals! They were here before 7am and didn't leave until 9:30pm! We spent pretty much the whole day watching them. They didn't "walk" anywhere, even running with 12 ft. sheets of sheetrock! They didn't slow down all day! I guess that is to be expected from a couple of guys in their mid 20's. It was amazing watching how fast it all went up.
They started with the area under the balcony and the basement stairwell from the living room.
They moved on to complete the living room ceiling and some of the walls. The way they got into positions to reach the high ceilings was scary!
After which they did the attic storage room above the bathroom. (I thought Dave had water spots on his camera, but after cleaning the lens we figured the spots were from the flash reflecting off all the dust particles in the air.)
They finished the balcony area.
Then they started the kitchen. They have 1/2 of the ceiling done, the dormer front, the breakfast bar area, and inside the bathroom done. Tomorrow they will be back, hopefully to finish. They have walls in the living room and kitchen, and 1/2 the kitchen ceiling to do.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Week 18 sheetrock

Nothing has happened the last few days but today they delivered sheetrock- lots of it!!! There are piles in the living room, kitchen, balcony, and dormer! Yeah!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Week 18 soffits, insulation

They did a lot in the last 4 days. Soffits are complete all around the outside, except a small section by the east living door.

We have our French doors, upstairs...
...and downstairs.
Insulation was completed today, and most of the vapor barrier is up. The builder said they may begin sheetrock tomorrow!
The bathroom window that was partially covered by the shower is moved and the window on the balcony is installed.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Week 17- insulation

More electric this week. The living room is done. The kitchen still needs to be wired for the stove and the basement needs to be wired for outlets and lights. They put in speaker wires, phone wires, and TV wires in the living room.

Insulation was started today. The north living room wall and balcony area are done.

A big part of the west wall is done...

...and some of the south living room wall. As you can see in the foreground, there is still a lot of insulation to put in!

The "attic" storage area walls over the new bathroom are also insulated.

Here is the vanity and sink we bought for the new bathroom.