Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Week 13 snow

Dave talked to the builder today. He said they came out yesterday, took one look at all the snow and headed for some place warmer! They plan to come out tomorrow and do prep work to get everything weathered in. Windows and doors should be in Friday or Monday. Nighttime temps Friday and Saturday are supposed to be in the single digits! Brrrrrrrrrr!!

In other news...our "favorite" neighbor knocked out part of the beaver dam by the bridge. The pond level dropped over a foot in just a couple of hours. I guess the beavers came back to rebuild because tonight he was out there with a rifle, with a light shining into the creek. I heard 2 gun shots just a few minutes ago. I hope he missed!


  1. Well, the neighbor is actually breaking the following laws...
    A... 87-3-503*. "Destruction of beaver and muskrat houses unlawful". It shall be unlawful and punishable, as in this part provided, for any person at any time to willfully destroy, open or leave open, or partially destroy a house of any muskrat or beaver except that this shall not prohibit trapping in the house of muskrats when the commission shall authorize such trapping. (

    B... 87-3-501*. "Open and closed season for fur-bearing animals -- exception". (1) It is unlawful and a misdemeanor for a person to trap or hunt or attempt to trap or hunt any fur-bearing animal until the commission provides an open season on any fur-bearing animal. The furs and hides of fur-bearing animals legally taken during the open season may be possessed, bought, and sold at any time except as provided by law.
    (2) When it is shown that muskrats or beaver are doing severe injury upon or are a menace to the structures, canal banks, or other works of an irrigation project or district or stock water pond, any employee or resident landowner on the project or district may kill or trap or cause to be killed or trapped any muskrat or beaver upon or in menacing proximity to the structures, canal banks, or other works of the project or district or stock water pond during the closed season on muskrats or beaver, after having secured from the director a permit to do so, except that from June 1 to August 31, both dates inclusive, of each year a permit is not required. (

    C... 87-3-101. "General restrictions". Except as provided in 87-2-803(4), it is unlawful for anyone to hunt or attempt to hunt any game animal or game bird:
    (1) from any self-propelled or drawn vehicle;
    (2) on, from, or across any public highway or the shoulder, berm, or barrow pit right-of-way of any public highway, as defined in 61-1-101, in the state; or
    (3) by the aid or with the use of any set gun, projected artificial light, trap, snare (except as allowed in 87-3-127 and 87-3-128), salt lick, or bait.

    D... 87-3-304. "Landowner's permission required for hunting -- penalty". (1) Every resident and nonresident must have obtained permission of the landowner, the lessee, or their agents before taking or attempting to take nongame wildlife or predatory animals or hunting on private property.
    (2) Except for hunting big game animals on private property, a person who violates this section shall, upon conviction for a first offense, be fined an amount not to exceed $25.

    Penalties are outlined in 87-1-102. Penalties

    *TITLE # - CHAPTER #- PART #

    E... Also, for firing a gun onto your private property, he is also endangering you as covered in..
    45-5-208. Negligent endangerment -- penalty. (1) A person who negligently engages in conduct that creates a substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury to another commits the offense of negligent endangerment.
    (2) A person convicted of the offense of negligent endangerment shall be fined an amount not to exceed $1,000 or imprisoned in the county jail for a term not to exceed 1 year, or both.

  2. Thanks for doing our work for us! Dave already planned on calling Fish, Wildlife, and Parks today.
