Monday, December 14, 2009

Week 23 counters

The kitchen sink counter was attached to the cabinets.

The other countertops are sitting in place but aren't attached yet.
This 1/2 wall was built by Dave yesterday while I was enjoying a Nutcracker performance in town. You can barely see where the stove is located in the background. That placement was unacceptable to both of us. We intended to have the stove in the island (when we can afford cabinets!) The electrician said they can't put a stove outlet in the floor so Dave built a wall for them to wire the stove in the island area. The plumber is supposed to be here tomorrow and hopefully the electrician will be here Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new construction,I know it seems to take forever but it will be worth it for many years to come. I just got your card today and enjoyed reading about how things have gone for you this year. Email me sometime
    love, Glenna
